E tū ana au ki ngā pae maunga o te tawhā o Rotorua, ka hīkoi au i ōna taumata, whai ake i ngā tapuae o ngā tūpuna,
Kia tau au ki tōku maunga a Ngongotahā, ka titiro whakararo ki tōku tūpuna a Te Rotorua-nui-a-Kahumatamomoe,
He tūpuna, he waiora, he wairua, he wai mauri, e karanga ake nei ki a tātau
Kia hono ai tātau ki a ia, kia rongo ai i ōna mamae, kia rongo ai i tōna mauri e kōhukihuki mai nei,
Ka katakina ki runga,
Ka katakina ki raro,
Kia ueuenuku, Kia ueuerangi,
Kia homai i te oranga e,
Kia whakatā hoki au i ahau
Kia toro atu aku ringa, tōku manawa ki te awhi, ki te utaina i aroha ki tō tātau tūpuna a Te Rotorua-nui-a-Kahumatamomoe,
Tūturu whakamaua kia tina, tina!
Haumi ē, hui ē, tāiki ē!
Kei te iti me te rahi, tēna ra koutou. Tēna ra koutou i runga i te ahua o tēnei rauemi, me kī, he rauemi hei tautoko i a tātau. Kia ahu whenua tātau i runga i te whakaaro manaaki, te whakaaro tiaki i a Papatuanuku, me ōna rotomoana, ōna wai e whakaora i a tatau. Kia kaha rā te pānui mai, kia mau ki ngā matauranga, kia puta tātau ki te whaiao, ki te ao mārama. Tēna ra koutou, tēna ra koutou, ka mihi, ka mihi,
mauriora ki a tatau katoa.
I stand upon ridges of the Rotorua caldera,
I walk her ridges, tracing the steps of our ancestors,
I settle on my maunga Ngongotaha,
Looking down upon my ancestor, the second great lake that honours our ancestor Kahumatamomoe,
My lake is an ancestor, it is life giving, it is spirit, it is the essence of life,
Our lake, calls to all of us,
That we may connect with this essence,
Acknowledging her pain, acknowledging her distress,
Let us call to Ranginui above,
Let us call to Papatuanuku below,
That they may strengthen us,
So we may reach out with our hands and hearts to offer our love and assistance to our ancestor Rotorua Nui a Kahumatamomoe
Let us grasp this!
Let us bind together and move forward as one!
We extend our greetings to all those who have picked up this resource. It is a resource to support us in managing our land in the spirit of caring and protection for earth mother and the many lakes and waters that adorn her. May we heed the knowledge within, so that we may be enlightened. We acknowledge you and call for wellbeing to us all.